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FELA Injury Attorneys

FELA Injury Attorneys

If you are a railroad worker who has been injured in the workplace, filing a claim under FELA can be intimidating. At Gordon & Elias, L.L.P., we have over 40 years of experience helping individuals through the FELA process. We will work hard to help you get full and fair compensation for your injuries.

Railroads' Duties under FELA

At Gordon & Elias, L.L.P., we provide personalized representation to railroad employees who have been injured on the job. Our practice is national in scope, with clients from California to Ohio. We have over 40 years of combined experience handling FELA claims. Let us help you through the FELA process.

When Congress enacted the Federal Employers' Liability Act (FELA) for the protection of railroad workers nationwide, it not only created a system in which injured workers could recover compensation for their injuries, it also established a duty for railroads to provide employees with a reasonably safe workplace. This duty is non-delegable. If you are a railroad worker who was injured on the job, or if a family member who worked for a railroad died in an accident at work, it is important to speak to an attorney at Gordon & Elias, L.L.P. in Houston, Texas.

Duty to Provide a Reasonably Safe Place to Work

The fundamental duty of a common carrier by railroad under FELA is to provide employees a reasonably safe work environment. A railroad must act with reasonable care, which is determined by considering whether a particular hazard was foreseeable. Generally, a railroad has a duty to:

  • Make sure that the workplace is reasonably free of unsafe conditions
  • Provide safe equipment and tools
  • Warn employees of any unsafe conditions and hazards

Duty to Provide Training and Supervision

As part of their duty to provide a safe work environment under FELA, railroad companies must make sure that their employees are reasonably equipped and able to perform their assigned tasks. This duty includes ensuring that:

  • Every worker is provided with all necessary training so that the employee can perform his or her respective job responsibilities safely
  • All job activities and work conditions are adequately supervised, so that any injuries to subordinate employees are avoided
  • Company rules regarding job safety are followed

Commonly Litigated Duties

FELA was enacted in 1908, and since that time, the following specific duties owed by railroads have been commonly litigated:

  • Duty to know the nature of workplace conditions
  • Duty to warn of unsafe working conditions
  • Duty to fix unsafe work conditions if the railroad knew or should have known that its conduct was not sufficient to protect employees
  • Duty to provide employees adequate help to accomplish their assigned jobs
  • Duty to provide safe tools and equipment
  • Duty to warn of dangerous tools and equipment
  • Duty to draft and enforce company safety regulations
  • Duty to assign workers to tasks that are within their physical capabilities
  • Duty to educate and instruct employees about safe work practices


Railroads must provide their employees with a reasonably safe work environment under FELA. If your employer has breached this duty and you were injured as a result, you may be able to recover compensation for your injuries. An attorney who has experience handling FELA cases at Gordon & Elias, L.L.P. in Houston, Texas, can guide you through the process of filing a claim.

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In re Ricky Joe Jones, Cheryl Ann Jones, Debtors

Date Decided: Jan 25th, 2011
Decided By: U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit(Bankruptcy) (Federal) read more

Leandrew Lewis v. CSX Transportation, Inc.

Date Decided: Mar 10th, 2011
Decided By: Ohio Southern District Court (Federal) read more

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