Posts Tagged ‘Utah Railroad Injury Lawyer’
MIDVALE, UT – A TRAX commuter train crashed into an empty passenger car that was sitting on the tracks on November 6, derailing the train and injuring two passengers and a railroad employee in Midvale, Utah. Midvale is located in Salt Lake County, Utah in the north-central part of the state about 12 miles south of Salt Lake City.

Two passengers and a railroad worker were injured when a TRAX commuter train crashed into a decoupled rail car that was sitting on the tracks in Midvale, UT on November 6, 2013.
WELLINGTON, Utah — Two men, who were in a semi truck when it was hit by an oncoming train, are lucky to have escaped with no reported injuries. James Wood, a construction worker on his lunch break, caught a video of the train smashing into the semi.