Posts Tagged ‘Texas Railroad Injury Lawyer’
MIDLAND, Texas – - A preliminary report has been released by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Weds., Dec. 6, that gives several details on the facts leading up to the fatal crash that that killed four veterans during a parade on Nov 15th.
LONGVIEW, Texas — A semi truck that was crossing the railroad tracks on Private Road 2317 in Gregg County, Texas on Wednesday, Nov. 21, was hit by an oncoming Union Pacific train.
MIDLAND, Texas — A Union Pacific train crashed into a parade float carrying wounded veterans and their families killing four servicemen two of whom saved their wives by pushing them to safety before they died.
CISCO, TX. — The media reported that 24 railcars from a Union Pacific train derailed from a rail bridge just west of Cisco, near Interstate 20 about 11:26 p.m. on Sunday, June 18.
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – A 47-year old worker at H & H Metals was critically injured this morning and is now battling for his life after being crushed between a rail car and a front loader. The incident occurred at H & H Iron and Metal in the 3700 block of Agnes Street.

Metals yard and derailed rail car in Corpus Christi, TX that pinned a worker to a front loader causing serious, life threatening injury on June 5, 2012. Photo credit:
HUTCHINSON COUNTY, TEXAS 84TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT — Railroad injury lawyer, Gordon & Elias, LLP, represent a 23-year old railroad employee from Borger, Texas, who was performing his duties as a conductor while in the employment of Panhandle Northern Railroad, LLC., when he was caused to suffer physical injuries due to the negligence of Panhandle Northern Railroad, LLC.

Panhandle Northern Railroad, L.L.C is located in Borger, Texas