Posts Tagged ‘Railroad Injury Lawyer’
WASHINGTON, DC – A welder, who was an employee of a company contracted by the WMATA (Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority), was killed in a blast on October 6, while welding new rail sections in one of the tunnels near Union Station in D.C.

A worker was killed in an explosion while welding some new rail sections in a Metro Rail tunnel near Union Station in Washington, DC on October 6, 2013.
HEADINGLEY, CN. — Two Canadian Pacific railroad workers were injured and taken to a local hospital after the CP tracks they were working on were struck by lightning. The city of Headingley is located about 13 miles west of Winnepeg.

Canadian Pacific Railroad
NORTHBROOK, Ill. – A Union Pacific train derailed on Wednesday, July 4, killing a Glenview couple who were driving under the viaduct when the rail bridge collapsed on top of them due to the weight of the wreckage.

A Union Pacific coal train derailed on July 4, 2012 in Glenview, IL after a rail bridge collapsed, killing two people in a passenger car on the roadway below. The victims and their car were buried under a mountain of twisted metal and rubble. Initially it was thought that no one was hurt, but their bodies were discovered a day later.
EVERETT, Wash. – Emergency responders and clean-up crews responded to a BNSF train and tanker truck collision near Paine Field at Everett, Washington on Monday, June 11, where a tanker truck trailer was knocked on its side, spilling fuel.

Aerial view of railway crossing on Boeing property in Everett, WA that was the site of a collision between a tanker truck and a BNSF train on June 11, 2012.
UPPER MERION, Pa. — A railroad worker, employed by the Brandywine Valley Railroad Co., was killed on Saturday, May 19, when an 1,800-pound roll of newsprint fell from a boxcar at the Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News Schuylkill Printing Plant, crushing the victim to death.

A railroad worker was killed on May 19, 2012 after being crushed by huge roll of paper at the Daily News Printing Plant in Upper Merion, PA.
SHARON, Mass. – An Amtrak Acela train traveling from Washington D.C. to Boston struck and killed a person on the tracks on Monday, May 14, near Sharon, Mass.

Aerial view of accident site where a 32 year-old pedestrian was killed on May 14, 2012 in Sharon, MA by an AMTRAK passenger train. The train was heading southwest from the route 128 station near Boston, MA towards Mansfield, MA. Photo credit:
ST. PAUL, Minn. — BNSF agreed to pay a $29M settlement to the families of four young people who tragically died in a train crash in Anoka on the night of Sept. 26, 2003. One of the victims, 23-year old Brian Frazier of Newport, was driving the car when a Burlington Northern Santa Fe train hit the car at a rail crossing. Frazier and three others were killed.
HUTCHINSON COUNTY, TEXAS 84TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT — Railroad injury lawyer, Gordon & Elias, LLP, represent a 23-year old railroad employee from Borger, Texas, who was performing his duties as a conductor while in the employment of Panhandle Northern Railroad, LLC., when he was caused to suffer physical injuries due to the negligence of Panhandle Northern Railroad, LLC.

Panhandle Northern Railroad, L.L.C is located in Borger, Texas
MCPHERSON COUNTY, KANSAS 9TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT – Railroad injury lawyer, Gordon & Elias, LLP, represent a 46-year old railroad worker from San Antonio, Texas, who was performing his duties as a conductor/engineer while in the employment of Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad, when he was caused to suffer physical injuries due to the negligence of Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad.
GARY, |N — Two railroad workers were injured early Sunday morning, April 8, when a CSX train and South Shore Freight train collided near the U.S. 12 overpass in Gary, Indiana. Firefighters had to extricate both railroad workers, including one who had a broken leg.

A CSX train and a South Shore Freight train crashed into each other in Gary, IN at a switch where 3 tracks run side by side near the U.S. 12 overpass.