Posts Tagged ‘Nebraska Railroad Injury Lawyer’
After the investigation of a 2010 claim against Union Pacific Railroad, Pamela Lakes, an administrative law judge at the U.S. Department of Labor, has ordered Union Pacific to reinstate a North Platte railroad worker to his apprentice machinist position “as soon as possible” and to pay him $325,000 in damages for illegally firing him.
BRIDGEPORT, NE. — Railroad crews worked throughout the day on Monday, April 22, to clean up and repair a 15 car train derailment on the BNSF tracks that occurred Sunday from a southbound coal train. No injuries were reported at the time of the incident.

Photo shows aerial view of BNSF train derailment on Sunday, April 21, 2013 in Bridgeport, Nebraska. Photo Courtesy of Krystal Aulick.
OMAHA, NE. — The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) has ordered Union Pacific to pay $350,000 and reinstate a worker who they say was fired after reporting an injury to the railroad.
NORTH PLATTE, NE. — Three Union Pacific railroad workers were injured, two seriously burned while working on a rail car at Union Pacific’s Bailey Yard in North Platte.

Three Union Pacific railroad workers received burn injuries while working on a coupling with a torch in the Bailey Rail yard in North Platte, NE on December 29, 2012.