Posts Tagged ‘Connecticut Railroad Injury lawyer’
Less than three weeks after a Metro-North train struck and killed a railroad worker near West Haven, Federal investigators on Monday, June 17, issued an “urgent safety recommendation” saying the railroad should act quickly and start using a basic safety device to protect workers on its tracks. Metro-North railroad said they will implement a pilot program of using a shunting system to increase the safety of workers on the tracks.
WEST HAVEN, CT — A railroad worker was killed on May 28, 2013 by a southbound commuter train while working on the tracks near the Metro-North station in West Haven.
BRIDGEPORT, CT. — Two metro trains traveling in opposite directions on May 17, collided in Bridgeport, CT. The crash involved about 700 passengers, injuring dozens of people, including one person who remains hospitalized in critical condition.

Two Amtrak trains collided in Bridgeport, CT near the border with Faifield, CT on May 13, 2013 injuring dozens. Photo credit: Michelle McLoughlin / Reuters