Archive for September, 2012
SOMERSET COUNTY, Pa. — A 53-foot-long tractor trailer carrying mail was sliced in half by an oncoming CSX train on Monday, Sept 24, at a railroad crossing in Somerset, Pennsylvania due to an impatient trucker who thought he could out run the train.

A semi trailer hauling US Mail was cut in two after a crash with a CSX train in Somerset Township, PA on September 24, 2012. Mail was scattered for miles. According to the USPS, there was no First Class or Express Mail in the truck and that it was carrying 3rd class and bulk mail only.
MITCHELL, S.D. — Two BNSF locomotives that were traveling east and hauling an empty 85-car freight train derailed at about 12:15 a.m. Wednesday, Sept 19, just west of the Burr Street railroad bridge in Mitchell, South Dakota.

A BNSF repair crew in Mitchell, SD straightens out a bent rail after a train derailment on September 20, 2012 near the Burr St railroad bridge. Photo credit: Daily Republic
ROANOKE, Va. — Three Norfolk Southern trains derailed on Monday morning, September 10, in Roanoke, Va. spilling about 1,500 gallons of diesel fuel.

Three Norfolk Southern locomotives derailed in a rail yard in Roanoke, VA on September 10, 2012 spilling about 1500 gallons of diesel fuel. Photo credit: WDBJ
LONG ISLAND, N.Y. — Officials reported that a Long Island railroad worker (LIRR) was fatally electrocuted Monday morning, August 27, after touching the third rail on tracks near the Queens Village train station.

LIRR worker killed after being electrocuted on August 27, 2012. Photo Credit:
FORT WAYNE, IN. — A Norfolk Southern train traveling from Chicago to Harrisburg, Pa., derailed when two locomotives hauling 43 cars, slipped off the tracks in Fort Wayne, IN.

Thirty seven Norfolk Southern rail cars derailed in Fort Wayne, IN on September 8, 2012 causing traffic to come to a standstill for several hours.
The Illinois Central Railroad and the Chicago, Fort Wayne, and Eastern Railroad have been ordered by OSHA to pay three workers a total of $650,729 in back wages and damages for retaliating against them for reporting safety concerns.
ST. PAUL, Minn. — A Union Pacific freight train traveling from Chicago to St. Paul on Saturday August 25, derailed on railroad tracks owned by Burlington Northern Santa Fe.

A Union Pacific train derailed in St. Paul, MN under the 7th St bridge just north of I-94 on August 25, 2012. Photo credit: