Archive for April, 2012
DE SOTO, MO — A Union Pacific train derailment occurred on Tuesday, April 24, damaging about 200 feet of track. Union Pacific workers arrived on the scene to survey the damage.

Seven Union Pacific cars derail in De Soto, MO on April 24, 2012 damaging about 200 feet of track.
HUTCHINSON COUNTY, TEXAS 84TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT — Railroad injury lawyer, Gordon & Elias, LLP, represent a 23-year old railroad employee from Borger, Texas, who was performing his duties as a conductor while in the employment of Panhandle Northern Railroad, LLC., when he was caused to suffer physical injuries due to the negligence of Panhandle Northern Railroad, LLC.

Panhandle Northern Railroad, L.L.C is located in Borger, Texas
MCPHERSON COUNTY, KANSAS 9TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT – Railroad injury lawyer, Gordon & Elias, LLP, represent a 46-year old railroad worker from San Antonio, Texas, who was performing his duties as a conductor/engineer while in the employment of Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad, when he was caused to suffer physical injuries due to the negligence of Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad.
GARY, |N — Two railroad workers were injured early Sunday morning, April 8, when a CSX train and South Shore Freight train collided near the U.S. 12 overpass in Gary, Indiana. Firefighters had to extricate both railroad workers, including one who had a broken leg.

A CSX train and a South Shore Freight train crashed into each other in Gary, IN at a switch where 3 tracks run side by side near the U.S. 12 overpass.
KNOXVILLE, TN – BNSF employees from the Maintenance-of-Way Division are working on replacing ties mainly in Marion County, Tennessee.

BNSF railroad workers gather in Knoxville, TN on Tuesday, March 27, 2012 to replace railroad ties. Photo credit: KNIA/KRLS News
WORCESTER, MA. – The $100 million CSX Freight Yard Expansion, once completed, will bring more commuter trains to Worcester while creating 1,000 construction jobs from Boston to Worcester, and will keep 80 permanent jobs in Worcester once the dust settles.