Archive for 2011
EMPORIA, KS – The death of a pedestrian that occurred early Wednesday, Aug 17, on the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad tracks, may have been the result a drag racing incident outside of Emporia, according to KVOE News.
KANSAS CITY, KS. – At approximately 1:30 p.m. Monday, August 15, Kansas City Police received a call that the body of a BNSF railroad worker was found on the railroad tracks near 42nd Street and Kansas Avenue.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) ordered Wednesday, August 10, that Metro North Pay $142,000 in damages and promote a worker who accused the commuter railroad of discrimination.
GREENSBORO, N.C. – Norfolk Southern Railway has been ordered by The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to pay a former employee who was terminated after he reported an on-the-job injury in 2009.
PASADENA, TX – A woman who collded with a train Wednesday, Aug 3, did not sustain life threatening injuries, however, as a precaution she was transported via LifeFlight to Memorial Hermann Hospital.
NEW BRAUNFELS, TX – It was a close call for a Union Pacific Railroad traveling through New Braunfels, TX Wednesday, Aug 2, when railroad workers stopped the train to avoid a likely derailment.

Map showing location of Union Pacific train accident in New Braunfels, TX that avoided a derailment, but tied up traffic along Farm to Market 306 on Tuesday, August 2, 2011.
ANTELOPE VALLEY, CA – Over a hundred Littlerock, California residents were evacuated on Wednesday, July 27, when a Union Pacific train carrying toxic chemicals derailed. Littlerock California is located in the Antelope Valley near Palmdale, California about 65 miles from Los Angeles.

Massive train derailment of Union Pacific freight train in Littlerock, CA where tanker cars reportedly were carrying hazardous materials.
The 70-car freight train was en route from Roseville, near Sacramento and heading towards Colton in San Bernardino County when the accident occurred at around 1:25 p.m. near 92nd Street East and East Avenue T. ... Read More
GREAT FALLS, MT. - Two BNSF employees were injured on Tuesday, July 19, on Gerber Road just southeast of Great Falls, Montana when a freight train rear-ended another train causing 13 of 110 BNSF Railway cars with three locomotives to derail.

Clean up efforts underway one day after Tuesday's BNSF train derailment southeast of Great Falls, MT alongside Gerber Road on July 19, 2011. Photo credit: Seth Dahl/Great Falls Tribune
The Federal Railroad Administration is investigating the cause of the crash at this time.
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FULTS, Il. – A Union Pacific train carrying carrying coal from out of state derailed on Sunday, July 24, at about 12:45 p.m near the southwestern Illinois town of Fults.
The accident damaged two stretches of track and a bridge, but officials said railroad workers should have the track repaired by late Monday. Fults Illinois is about 40 miles southeast of St. Louis, MO. ... Read More
DUNLAP, IA. – A Union Pacific train derailed on Tuesday, July 19, near the Harrison and Monona county lines. UP spokesman Mark Davis said 13 cars from a 138-car coal train bound from Wyoming to Sergeant Bluff jumped the tracks about 4:10 p.m. Tuesday.

Map showing location of Union Pacific train derailment near Dunlap, IA about 200 yards south of 110th Street near the Harrison and Monona County line.
No injuries were reported at the time of the incident. ... Read More