Archive for the ‘Railroad Legal News’ Category

HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS – Gordon &amp Elias, LLP, FELA lawyers, represent a Victoria, Texas railroad employee who sustained a lower back injury due to the negligence of Union Pacific Railroad.

The plaintiff is a 34 year-old machinist who was working for Union Pacific Railroad around Vanderbilt, Texas near mile post 240.

The incident occurred on October 7, 2009. The plaintiff was traveling northbound on the track from Placedo to Vanderbilt, Texas with a tamper machine following behind being operated by another employee of Union Pacific. ... Read More

LOS ANGELES, CA – Metrolink conductors and engineers are objecting to  an agreement between Metrolink and its new operator, Amtrak because it would require crews to pass personality tests in order to keep their jobs.

Metrolink - Southern California Regional Commuter Rail Service

Two railroad unions are objecting to the agreement and are threatening a boycott of the new personality-profiling tests that are being required in the wake of the disastrous Chatsworth crash in 2008 that killed 25 people. ... Read More

ROCK ISLAND COUNTY, IL – Andrew Schulte, a former Iowa Interstate Railroad train employee, was awarded $33 million in damages by a Rock Island County jury last Thursday for a tragic accident that occurred in a Rock Island rail yard in April 2007.

According to the lawsuit, Schulte was trying to pull a pin on a rail car while walking alongside a train on a switching lead. The lawsuit states that the pin lifter stuck, causing Schulte to trip and fall, at which point he was struck and run over by a rail car.

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