Archive for the ‘Railroad Legal News’ Category
HOUSTON, TX. — Myrta Fariza, a Clear Lake woman who died from injuries in last month’s horrific train derailment in Spain, was laid to rest and remembered with a funeral mass on Weds., August 14, at Saint Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Nassau Bay.

Myrta Fariza, shown with her husband, Robert, has died from injuries resulting from a train derailment in Santiago de Compostela, Spain last month. Funeral was held on August 14, 2013.
After the investigation of a 2010 claim against Union Pacific Railroad, Pamela Lakes, an administrative law judge at the U.S. Department of Labor, has ordered Union Pacific to reinstate a North Platte railroad worker to his apprentice machinist position “as soon as possible” and to pay him $325,000 in damages for illegally firing him.
BNSF Railway Co and the Occupational Health and Safety Administration achieved a milestone on Jan, 15, 2013, by signing an accord that protects railroad workers who report on-the-job injuries from retaliation.
Norfolk Southern Railway Co. was ordered by the U.S. Department of Labor to pay more than $300,000 to a Chattanooga railroad worker who blew the whistle after a job injury, according to a news release.

The DeButts Yard, the Norfolk Southern railway switching yard in Chattanooga. Photo Credit by John Rawlston /Chattanooga Times Free Press.
HUTCHINSON COUNTY, TEXAS 84TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT — Railroad injury lawyer, Gordon & Elias, LLP, represent a 23-year old railroad employee from Borger, Texas, who was performing his duties as a conductor while in the employment of Panhandle Northern Railroad, LLC., when he was caused to suffer physical injuries due to the negligence of Panhandle Northern Railroad, LLC.

Panhandle Northern Railroad, L.L.C is located in Borger, Texas
MCPHERSON COUNTY, KANSAS 9TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT – Railroad injury lawyer, Gordon & Elias, LLP, represent a 46-year old railroad worker from San Antonio, Texas, who was performing his duties as a conductor/engineer while in the employment of Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad, when he was caused to suffer physical injuries due to the negligence of Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad.
The FRA’s final rule on adjacent-track on-track safety for roadway workers has been published.
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SHREVEPORT, La. – A Union Pacific railroad worker was shot and wounded by a gunman Monday night, Oct. 10, while working on the tracks near E. Jewella Ave in Shreveport, Louisiana.

Map showing location of Union Pacific railroad worker shooting in the 6200 block of Jewella Avenue in Shreveport, LA on October 10, 2011.
SHEPHERDSVILLE, KY. – The Courier Journal reported that Ricky Davis, a 51-year old Cincinnati, Ohio truck driver has been charged with wanton endangerment by a Bullitt County grand jury.

As emergency workers sifted through the wreckage on June 30, neighbors who live near Coral Ridge Road were able to watch. Photo Credit: Charlie White, The Courier-Journal
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has ordered Union Pacific to pay more than $615,000 based on a finding by federal authorities that the company fired two workers, and suspended another, in retaliation for reporting workplace safety concerns and a work-related injury.