FLORENCE, SC – Two CSX train cars derailed on Friday afternoon, May 21, 2010 in a Florence rail yard causing the closing of several crossings in Florence. According to SCnow.com CSX employees were working to re-rail two train cars on Friday afternoon.

CSX employees work to place two train cars back on the tracks after a derail at the CSX train yard, May 21, 2010. Marcus Scott/Morning News

The train was traveling from Charleston, S.C. to Hamlet N.C. It was not carrying any hazardous or dangerous materials, said Gary Sease CSX director of corporate communications.

The train had 129 rail cars being pulled by two locomotives. The additional cars were detached while CSX employees used a crane to steady the two that were derailed.

The crossings were re-opened at 3 p.m.

“We will continue to investigate to determine the cause of the derailment,“ Sease said. “We apologize for the inconvenience to motorists but the good news is the crossings are open now.“

Original story by Carlton Purvis SCnow.com

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