LOS ANGELES, Calif. — A Union Pacific train conductor was injured Saturday morning, June 16, when the 53-car train struck some parked rail cars near the Lamar Street crossing, causing three freight cars to derail.

A railroad worker was injured in a train derailment in a Los Angeles rail yard on June 16, 2012.
The accident occurred just before 2:00 a.m. at the Union Pacific Rail Yard in Lincoln Heights. Fire Department spokesman Brian Humphrey told the media that the derailment was reported at 1:45 a.m. following the crash.

Map showing location of Union Pacific train derailment on June 16, 2012 in a Los Angeles rail yard near Lamar Street.
KTVN.com reported that the injured conductor was taken to the hospital complaining of neck pain. There has been no further word on his condition.
The accident remains under investigation at this time.
Posted by FELA Lawyer News Blog, a FELA, train accident and railroad worker injury blog that publishes up to date train accidents and FELA legal news from across the United States. The Federal Employers’ Liability Act (FELA) governs the employee’s right to recovery, governing the rights and remedies of railroad employees.