HUTCHINSON COUNTY, TEXAS 84TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT — Railroad injury lawyer, Gordon & Elias, LLP, represent a 23-year old railroad employee from Borger, Texas, who was performing his duties as a conductor while in the employment of Panhandle Northern Railroad, LLC., when he was caused to suffer physical injuries due to the negligence of Panhandle Northern Railroad, LLC.

Panhandle Northern Railroad, L.L.C is located in Borger, Texas
On April 23, 2011, PLAINTIFF was performing his duties of employment as a conductor and attempting to release the hand brake while working in the Borger Yard, 6195 track. The hand brake was an older model hand brake that did not have a release. PLAINTIFF felt he twisted his back trying to get the hand brake to work.
PLAINTIFF is a 23 year old man who resides in Borger, Texas and is not currently working as a result of this incident.
Due to this accident, PLAINTIFF injured his mid-part of the thoracic spine which radiates into both rib area and low back with radiation into both legs. Dr. Donovan and Dr. Rodriguez have been treating the PLAINTIFF and their recommendation is a Percutaneous Endoscopic Partial Discectomy L4-5.
Panhandle Northern Railroad L.L.C. operations are located in Borger, Texas.
Congress passed the Federal Employers’ Liability Act (FELA) in 1908 in response to the high number of railroad deaths in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Under FELA, railroad workers who are not covered by regular workers’ compensation laws are able to sue companies over their injury claims. FELA allows monetary payouts for pain and suffering decided by juries based on comparative negligence rather than a pre-determined benefits schedule under workers compensation.
FELA Lawyer News Blog is a railroad worker injury blog that publishes train accidents and FELA legal news from across the United States.