WORCESTER, MA. – The $100 million CSX Freight Yard Expansion, once completed, will bring more commuter trains to Worcester while creating 1,000 construction jobs from Boston to Worcester, and will keep 80 permanent jobs in Worcester once the dust settles.

According to Lt. Gov. Timothy P. Murray, the $100 million project is part of a private-public partnership between the state and CSX to reposition its freight operations in Massachusetts, so the rail line between Worcester and Boston can be opened up to more commuter trains, with a goal of eventually reaching 20 to 25 commuter trains per day.

The freight yard will have seven different kinds of retaining walls and a bridge will allow trucks to drive up and over Franklin Street. They are using a total of six cranes to assist in the movement of soil and other things.

CSX officials put a 10-foot-long map of the project on the wall, which showed, in intricate detail, where trucks and trains will come into the freight yard, where the cranes are, and the location of four new buildings. Each truck coming into the yard from Grafton Street will receive a bar code, which will direct it to the area of the freight yard where its load awaits.

According to CSX officials this will allow Worcester to become a hub for all of New England.

Posted by FELA lawyer news blog at Gordon &amp Elias, LLP

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