EL PASO, TX – An accident involving a Union Pacific train and 18 wheeler truck occurred on Monday morning on June 20, at about 8:30 a.m. in El Paso’s Lower Valley.
El Paso police told KFOX14 they believe the driver of the semi-truck tried to beat an oncoming train at the Alameda and Inglewood railroad crossing.

Map showing location of Union Pacific train collision with truck in El Paso's lower valley.
Source KFOX14
Cloth rags were found inside the trailer, said police.
Pictures of the accident show the front of the train smashed into the semi’s trailer. El Paso police said the train pushed the semi-truck 20 feet.
Police said there were no injuries reported.
The driver of the semi-truck is facing citations, said police.
Published by FELA lawyer news blog at Gordon & Elias, LLP