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Whole body vibration injuries

Whole Body Vibration FELA Lawyers for Repetitive & Cumulative Injuries

Gordon & Elias, L.L.P. represents FELA claimants for repetitive or cumulative trauma claims.

  • An intriguing and developing, but very serious area of vocational medicine, is now named “whole body vibration”.


  • Whole body vibration [WBV] is a term used to describe mechanical vibrations, jolts, and shocks that are transmitted to the whole body from the seats of locomotives or other industrial machines and vehicles.   It is well known that excessive exposure to whole body vibration can cause serious spinal disorders.  Government and scientific studies have found a strong association between excessive exposure to whole body vibration and serious back injuries.  Medical studies also show that vibration may act in combination with other work-related factors such as prolonged sitting, lifting and awkward body postures to cause increased risks of premature back disorders and disabilities. 
  • Whole body vibration injuries, also sometimes called cumulative trauma injuries, most typically result in serious back pain, herniated discs, degenerated discs, and radiating pains.  These injuries may develop over time and painful spinal symptoms may occur with or without a specific traumatic event. 


  • There are internal company documents from several railroads that reveal thousands of complaints by engineers and trainman about excessive vertical and lateral vibrations, shocks and jolts.  These internal documents show the railroads have known about the potential for serious spinal injuries from excessive WBV for decades.  These internal documents also reveal the railroads were notified by the FRA over thirty years ago to dampen whole body vibration inside the locomotive cab, to measure WBV, and to improve the locomotive seats.
  • The railroads identified particular types of locomotives, such as the SD70MACs, and the SD90MACs, as rough riders.  These documents also show that regardless of the locomotive type, lack of proper maintenance to the shocks, springs, pedestal liners and other dampening components on the locomotive can result in excessive vibration problems.  Other factors that contribute to excessive WBV include poorly maintained track, train speed, locomotive age and defective seats. 


  • The railroads know, but even more sadly knew, that these injuries were occurring in their workforce but completely failed to correct the situation or, in most cases, even to warn about them. These claims are compensable under FELA and Gordon & Elias, L.L.P. has gone to great lengths to position itself to help you receive just and fair compensation for these injuries.
  • Most WBV injury claims are covered by the FELA, and we are prepared to handle them.  Through other WBV FELA lawsuits that have already been conducted, we, and other lawyers, have obtained thousands of pages of internal company documents, and have taken the depositions of top corporate officers.  We have consulted with and retained nationally and internationally recognized experts on WBV and related issues of ergonomics, biomechanics, locomotive design and maintenance, cab seat design and maintenance, and track and roadbed integrity.  These experts have provided critical testimony in support of these cases  

For other areas of the body that can be injured repetitively or cumulatively, please click here; to read about the attorneys that Gordon & Elias, L.L.P. has asked to handle these cumulative claims, please click here.

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in-depth overview FELA click here


In re Ricky Joe Jones, Cheryl Ann Jones, Debtors

Date Decided: Jan 25th, 2011
Decided By: U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit(Bankruptcy) (Federal) read more

Leandrew Lewis v. CSX Transportation, Inc.

Date Decided: Mar 10th, 2011
Decided By: Ohio Southern District Court (Federal) read more

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