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Fred Bremseth - Of Counsel FELA Attorney

Cumulative & Repetitive FELA Lawyers

Gordon & Elias, L.L.P. is pleased to announce the formation of “Of Counsel” relationships with two incredible lawyers that are nationally known for their expertise in cumulative and repetitive trauma FELA claims. The “Of Counsel” relationship between David Lockard of David Lockard, P.C. and Fred Bremseth of The Bremseth Law Firm was formed for two main purposes: (1) to expand the geographical client base for each of the three firms; and (2) to provide Gordon & Elias, L.L.P.’s cumulative FELA injury clients the best representation that they can offer.  Gordon & Elias, L.L.P. would like to introduce each of the lawyers.

Gordon & Elias, L.L.P.’s repetitive – cumulative clients, that work for the following railroads:  Union Pacific Railroad [UP], Burlington Northern Santa Fe [BNSF] Railway, Montana Rail Link, Canadian Pacific Railway [CP] and its subsidiary Soo Line Railroad [Soo], Deluth, Missabe and Iron Range Railway [DM & IR], Amtrak and any and all other “Western” railroads, will have on their team:

Fred Bremseth – FELA Lawyer

Fred Bremseth is among the nation’s elite trial lawyers. Fred began his remarkable career in 1978 and has continuously represented injury and death claims for over thirty years. Fred has consistently won unparalleled jury verdicts and settlements for his clients in a career devoted to representing injured railroad employees under the FELA and other seriously injured individuals. Fred has successfully handled catastrophic injury cases in state and federal courts around the country including: quadriplegia, paraplegia, amputations, brain damage, severe spinal injury, disfigurement, chemical exposure, asbestos claims, and wrongful death cases.

Fred is regularly called upon by lawyers from across the country seeking his advice and assistance on their cases, and Fred is often asked to associate as lead trial counsel by other lawyers due to his courtroom expertise and outstanding results. Fred has often been asked by other BLET, UTU and BMWE designated legal counsel to handle cases for them and with them.

Fred has achieved special recognition by his trial colleagues by attaining the status of Senior Counsel by the American College of Barristers, and Fred was elected by his fellow FELA lawyers as Chairman of the Railroad Law Section of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America, the largest national association of trial lawyers.

Fred is a member of the Montana and Minnesota Bar Associations and has been admitted in United States District Courts in Montana, Minnesota, Colorado, North Dakota and California, and the United States Courts of Appeals for 8th, 7th, 4th, 9th Districts, as well as the U.S. Court of Claims. Fred is regularly admitted Pro Hac Vice (by special appearance), in Courts throughout the country. Fred is a member of the Academy of Rail Labor Attorneys (ARLA), the American Association for Justice (AAJ), the American Bar Association and the Minnesota Association for Justice. Fred is a founding member of Trial Lawyers for Public Justice, and is also a life-time member of the Roscoe Pound Foundation and a Sustaining Sponsor of the Civil Justice Foundation.

Over the past many years Fred has become a national leader in representing Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen for spinal injuries involving whole body vibration (WBV). He is one of the few lawyers in the entire country to develop and prosecute these difficult, yet meritorious cases. He has aggressively pursued the railroads in discovery and trials for their failures to provide properly maintained locomotives and quality, vibration damping seats to prevent serious spinal injuries. Fred has taken the depositions of top railroad management on this issue and has reviewed thousands of internal corporate documents. Fred has developed a team of highly qualified scientific experts in ergonomics, locomotive mechanics, occupational medicine, biomechanical engineering, and seating technology to present these cases. Fred has won substantial verdicts and settlement for these whole body vibration injuries and currently continues his aggressive representation on behalf of Engineers and Trainmen for these injuries.

With Fred, Gordon & Elias, L.L.P. will offer representation for railroad workers in Montana, Colorado, Wyoming, Minnesota, Washington State, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Arkansas, Oregon, Utah, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma and California.

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in-depth overview FELA click here


In re Ricky Joe Jones, Cheryl Ann Jones, Debtors

Date Decided: Jan 25th, 2011
Decided By: U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit(Bankruptcy) (Federal) read more

Leandrew Lewis v. CSX Transportation, Inc.

Date Decided: Mar 10th, 2011
Decided By: Ohio Southern District Court (Federal) read more

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Rio Grande Valley Office
(956) 664-9999
135 Paseo Del Prado, Suite 50
Edinburg, Texas 78539

Of Counsel Offices

David Lockard
15 W Highland Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19118

Fred Bremseth
Minnesota Office
601 Carlson Parkway
Suite 995
Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305

Montana Office
100 North 27th Street
Suite 220
Billings, Montana 59101